reprintings of articles from Medical Journals with the hope that they will be helpful to those who have no access to psychiatrists or to medical literature. I have begun in this issue to present interesting case histories where I have found something in them that was a little different than the usual which could contribute to our knowledge of causes and effects. Additionally I have used my own column "Virgin Views" to present some personal contributions which may or may not be correct but which should at least stimu- late some useful thinking in the minds of you who read them.
Cross-dressing as a behaviour pattern can exist uncom- plicated by other patterns as in what I consider to be "True Transvestism"; or it can be incidental to other pat- terns which are more fundemental for the individual concern- ed, such as homosexuality, masochism. (the humiliation and punishment bit), fetishism, etc. I would be much interest- ed to know what portion of the "membership" of this "soror- ity" fall into these various catagories. This information would be of both personal and scientific value. I am per- sonally interested in straight transvestism for its own sake without any of the rest, and I tend to judge things accordingly, but I'd like to know where the rest of you fit in so that I can fill these pages with material of in- terest to all.
So, since this is your magazine please cooperate by filling in the form on the back page and by expressing on 2 separate sheet your personal views and criticism of the magazine as it has appeared to date and your hopes for it for the future. If a good response is obtained from all of you it will help me considerably.
Your Editor.